Our art studio focuses on the unique qualities of each child's personality. We like to showcase the different talents of each child, and encourage them to be themselves. not block their creative ability.  This gives them an opportunity to discover their own artistic vision and become a confident artist and designer. We introduce a wide range of topics from landscapes, abstract art, mixed media, art design to sculpture. The different mediums we use to teach also includes pencil sketching, Chinese ink painting, watercolor, pastels, acrylic painting, marker, 3D sculptures, and many more. 

我們的美術教室不讓孩子創造力受到阻力,帶領他們用正確思維學藝術, 是讓每個學生有自己的人格特色, 我們要讓孩子展現自己的天份, 鼓勵他們成為自己, 我們給他們有表現自我的能力, 成為ㄧ個獨立自信的藝術家和設計家. 我們提供不同的題目材料像靜物,風景,人體,素描,彩繪,抽象題目,多元媒材,設計和雕塑等設計美術課程,不同材料包括素描鉛筆水墨水彩蠟筆壓克力馬克筆雕術 和各種美術相關的材料.


Monthly artist is a student who have been at our art studio for 4+ years. We display their artworks in our art studio space for everyone to enjoy. This is an honor for the student and acts at their own art exhibition. We also present them with a monthly artist award and a gallery opening reception. 

每月小畫家是我們美術教室已有畫齡4年以上的學生被邀請參加展覽.展現他們的繪畫美術才能.我們展覽學生藝術美術作品讓大家欣賞 獎勵美術教室學生 並且頒發獎狀和畫展宴會慶祝.

This Month -Ivy Wang Age 8, from 2015 to present


Youth painting and drawing is for students 7th grade and up (including adults). It is a long term project more than 3 hours. We focus on more advanced art concepts; topics include still life, lighting, composition, color value, textures, and sketching. The teachers for this course are famous gallery-sold artists coming from Bay Area universities such as Academy of Art University.

青少年繪畫班提供7年級以上的學生,來探索畫畫, 素描與油畫. 這課程超過3小時的長時間學習, 我們重點用不同的主題帶領他們學習光,色彩,質材和自我繪畫 .成為獨立自主的人, 我們的師資是灣區有名的年輕藝術家.我們的孩子不用藉著補習Ap Art 都能完成自己的優秀的美術作品.我們只是提供ㄧ個優良的創作美術環境.


The summer camp is a 4-day intensive including 8 different projects using different drawing materials and topics. It is fun and children enjoy full-day of art immersion. 每年舉辦北加灣區美術暑假美術夏令營, 舒服的室內環境, 都讓兒童學生整天浸泡在藝術氣氛, 留連忘返 ! 好玩又有美學根基的課程 ! 4天 8個美術課程有平面繪畫和動手做!